Privacy Policy
Mandated Services LLC, is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals whose data we collect (“you” or “your”).

Mandated Services may collect personal data from individuals who register to use our services (applications, programs, etc). This Privacy Policy describes how protect your personal data.

We may update this Privacy Statement from time to time and provide notice to you as described below in the section titled “Notice of Changes.”

Our Services are not directed at children under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect personal data from individuals under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, you may not use the Services or provide your information to us.

How We Use Your Personal Data:

Mandated Services uses your data to facilitate school management of the Ohio Administrative Cost Reimubursement program. Information is included in reports to the State of Ohio.

Communicating with you.

Mandated Services may send email to users with relevent information to support the successful use of our platform. Users can Opt-out of email.

Personal Data We Collect:

Mandated Services collects limited personal data directly from you and/or the schools you are employed at. This personal data may include the following: Employee salary information is vital in order for schools to properly complete the Administrative Cost Reimbursement Program as outlined by the State of Ohio. Our website provides a secured area ("Finance Module") for school personnel to supply salaries and related school costs. Access to the Finance Module is granted by Mandated Services and is limited to school administration.

We do not collect credit card information, home addresses, or social security numbers.

Account Creation:

Personal information is gathered when creating a personal login account. That information can be updated any time at the user's discretion. Upong signing in, we also collect limited information about how you interact with our application. For example, we may log the time you sign in, and how you navigate through the application.

Support data:

When you engage with our support team, we may ask you to provide additional information about your issue, which may include information about your technology, software, internet connection, or screenshots.

Device and usage data:

When you use our website (or mobile apps), we may also automatically collect data about your device and about your usage of and activity on our website and Services. For example, we collect your device’s operating system type, IP address, device identifiers, browser type, device type, domain name, access times, and the duration of visit, and other information.

Third-party applications:

Mandated Services does not utilize third-party applications.


Mandated Services does not engange in partnerships for the purposes of marketing. Your information is not shared with partners for marketing purposes.
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